Forewarned is Forearmed

The Official Affiche *

The Official Affiche *

The latest sensational exposé from this little corner of paradise.
The dissolute duo, thinly disguised as an apathetic author and his ebullient editor, are to make a rare public appearance.
He is not usually allowed into polite society unmuzzled, but on this occasion he will actually speak.
Yep, words, sentences, stories!

He will also, under Em’s strict supervision, answer questions from the assembled masses who flock to La Médiathèque, or Multi-media Library.
Although not necessarily in the same language as they are asked.
(Despite Emmy’s best efforts, he is nowhere near house trained.)

For those of you who do not read French, the bit at the bottom says this.
* Drum Roll  Drum Roll  Drum Roll  Drum Roll  Drum Roll  Drum Roll *

Followed by a taste of Scottish delights.
The author is demanding porridge and haggis, but suspects that he will be overruled on the grounds of Public Health and Safety.
Come along and taste the goodies, they will be delicious, je suis sûr.

Please note that this is an early warning only.
Those of you still in the vicinity will be reminded more robustly just before the event.

Tuesday 14th June, 2016, at 14.30.
(That is half past two, for the hard of thinking.)

*The Official Affiche, or Poster, which will appear in Var Matin and Le BaVar,  on trees and walls, in shops and bathrooms, litter bins and hamster cages across the Civilised World.
And Cavalaire sur Mer