Paradise in Winter

20170301_085332Yes, we do have winter here.
20170227_141214One day we even had clouds.
20170227_140617It was like July in Scotland, overcast and mild.
20170301_090336To finish off this recent series of photo blogs inspired by Eros, in Emmy’s absence the thinking half of the duo, we decided to show random stuff.
20170302_084650Cavalaire in winter.
20170301_132832All these photos were taken in February or March, 2017.
20170301_130936Some show the sights.
20170301_165534Some show the sun.
20170301_090336Some are just to amuse ourselves.
20170227_135939A buoy and his dog!
20170228_132549That’s all, folks!20170301_085237-a