Cavalaire on Sea

december sky by anelephantcant

december sky by anelephantcant

Cavalaire Sur Mer

Or, perhaps more appropriately, Cavalaire on Sea.
This site is for those of you who are more comfortable reading in English than in French.

Our intention is to provide an alternative view of our town.
We, the administrators, are writers and poets.
We are not here to translate or replicate the existing official sites, which provide excellent information on the town, its attractions, events and amenities.

Instead we want to describe the magic of Cavalaire as we see it.
We want to entertain you with stories of mermaids and pirates, of ancient anchors and great pine trees.

february in the bay by anelephantcant

february in the bay by anelephantcant

We hope to describe the beauty of the sunshine and the storms, of blue skies and rainbows.
And we want to share the wonder of the Med and her calanques*.

We want to tell you also about the great jetties that shelter the port, and the smaller rocky ones that protect the beaches.
We want to intrigue you with tales from the little café in the square, and its habitués.

And we will tell you a bit about interesting stuff that is happening or is about to happen.
And maybe report on something that has happened.

We aim to do this in words and pictures.
Our words are sometimes fact, sometimes fiction.
Occasionally we write poetry, but usually we accept our limitations and stick to prose!

*A calanque is a steep rocky inlet of the sea, a cove, or sharp sided bay.

little calanque by anelephantcant

little calanque by anelephantcant