All That Jazz!

Cavalaire Jazz Festival 2015

Cavalaire Jazz Festival 2015

Our little town has been jumping over the past couple of weeks, as major event follows major event.
The Jazz Festival was a huge triumph, with free outdoor concerts on the Esplanade Sainte Estelle a regular high point.
These drew large audiences, filling not only the seating provided, but also the steps up to the roof of La Maison de La Mer, the Tourist Office.

Outdoor Performance on Esplanade Sainte Estelle

Outdoor Performance on Esplanade Sainte Estelle

The rear exhibition hall of this building housed a display of jazz-inspired art work.
Superb paintings by Daniel Danetis are coupled with the exquisite sculptures of Jacky Mazoyer, providing a synergy that inspires contemplation of the genre.

The Art of Daniel Danetis

The Art of Daniel Danetis

Created by Jacky Mazoyer

Created by Jacky Mazoyer

But for your writers, the highlight of the festival was the performance, in the Salle Henri Gros, of Lisa Simone, daughter of the legendary Nina.

Lisa Simone

Lisa Simone

Lisa gave us a dynamic performance of traditional jazz favourites interspersed with her own compositions.
Personal favourites included Autumn Leaves, which she sang in English and then in French, with the whole audience as supporting vocals!
She also did a stunning version of her mother’s Ain’t Got No/I Got Life which had us all rocking in the aisles.
And, more surprisingly, Lisa covered Leonard Cohen’s wonderful Suzanne, in totally original and utterly brilliant fashion.
All in all, a performance worthy of the Festival’s Star Attraction, and an evening to be savoured.

Cavalaire Jazz Festival 2015

Cavalaire Jazz Festival 2015